
闲鱼循环商店应当译为 Xianyu Reuse Store 或 Xianyu Second Hand Store。闲鱼官方的现有翻译是错误的。




如上图,线下店的中文叫闲鱼循环商店,英文译成 Xianyu Recycle Shop。看到这个译文,作为译者的职业病又犯了。


直觉告诉我 Xianyu Recycle Shop 可能是错误的直译。根据维基百科的 Recycle Shop 词条,Recycle Shop 是从日语中借入的(Borrowed from Japanese),再加上日本并非英语母语国家,因此用 Recycle Shop 来翻译循环商店很可能是错误的表达。

此外,Recycle Shop 通常用来指在店铺中,通过手工,将“废品”变废为宝、回收利用的店铺。例如 Boston Children’s Museum Pop-Up Recycle Shop。这和出售闲置物品的含义不同,闲置物品的买家通常是为了继续使用而购买,比如买二手书是为了看,而不是买来做纸浆。


类似的商业经营形式和店铺,在英语中有很多表达方式,在日常使用中有时会混用,但这些表达含义存在差异,比如 vintage shop/store, thrift shop/store, second hand store, reuse store 等,还有 stooping 活动。

  1. Vintage shop 店中通常提供知名的、高端的品牌的二手,例如古驰(Gucci)。

Vintage shops offer rare, specially curated items. Sometimes those items are by well-known brands, some high-end (Gucci, Vivienne Westwood, Oscar de la Renta), some less so (Tommy Hilfiger and Levi's). From a business perspective, brands are particularly crucial to a vintage shop's' stock.

2. Thrift store 店中通常售卖二手衣物、图书、家具,但是为了慈善、公益目的。

thrift store is a store that sells used things such as clothes, books, and furniture, typically in order to raise money for a charity

3. Second hand store 也是售卖二手商品的店,店如其名,没有隐含其他含义,如下图.


4. Reuse store 也是售卖二手商品的店铺,但更强调商品的物尽其用,隐含可持续发展、环保之义。

Stop by our Drop & Shop Reuse Stores to pick up FREE paints and other household products for your next home or vehicle maintenance task. All products are inspected and made available to other customers for FREE. Most products are in good condition and sometimes even unopened! Availability of free products varies, but may include: paint, cleaners, pool, spa, lawn care and automotive products.

5. stooping 是“捡垃圾”的活动,张三把不需要的物品摆放在路边,让李四免费拿走利用。 One person's trash is another person's treasure!


通过比较可以发现,Vintage shop 隐含有闲置商品是知名的、高端的品牌商品之意,Thrift store 隐含有慈善公益之意,Recycle shop 有改变废弃物形态,变废为宝、回收利用之意,都不合适用来翻译闲鱼的循环商店。这几个概念中,只有 Reuse store 和 Second hand store 的含义接近中文本来的含义。

综上,建议将闲鱼循环商店译为 Xianyu Reuse Store 或 Xianyu Second Hand Store。第二个译法稍微有点长,推荐第一个。


Joey Zhang,译者/法学学士,持有中国法律职业资格,长期从事法律翻译及商业翻译,个人最新简历可点击此处查阅。也可以通过以下平台联系我:LinkedIn豆瓣知乎小红书

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